Our Mestre

North Star Capoeira Angola has it roots in 

Salvador-Bahia-Brazil, were our Mestre 

Iuri H. Santos was born and trained in 

Capoeira since he was fourteen years old.

He began Studying Capoeira Angola at Forte Santo Antonio in the group Filhos de Angola, today the Forte da Capoeira. His Mestre founded his own group (Acupe), and later the A.B.C.A.(Brazilian Association of Capoeira Angola) were Iuri was a Coordenador de bateria (music coordinator).

In 1997 he was accorded the status of Contra-Mestre from his Mestre and group(Acupe); the first to achieve Contra-Mestre in the group. In 1999 founded the first branch of group Acupe, in Indiana (U.S.A). In 2005 he founded The Grupo de Capoeira Angola Estrela do Norte (North Star Capoeira Angola).

Today Iuri Santos teaches at North Star Capoeira in Bloomington and Indianapolis. He is also currently a Professor at Indiana University (Bloomington) and IUPUI (Indianapolis). His group has grown and expanded its reach to include Portland, Oregon (Treinel Jaskirat), and New Orleans, Louisiana(Treinel Ivan).