Please register here for our upcoming event “Coco Maduro” CD release and Capoeira Angola Celebration. Please provide the information below and then click the SUBMIT button. Then click the link “Coco Maduro” to pay online. The price for the event is $160.00 until September 14th- afterwards the price is $ 180.00. You can securely pay by credit card using this on-line checkout process.

We look forward to seeing you October 4th and 5th!

 By submitting this registration form, I , the registered, am aware of, acknowledge and agree that by participating or observing in this activity I am aware or and assume all risks including but not limited to injuries from falls, contact with other participants, or objects, the ground- occurring because of accident, negligence, or lack of training, injuries causing death resulting from above said risks. This includes any facilities provided to participants during this event. I assume complete responsibility and liability for these risks and any injuries that may occur as a result of these risks even if injuries occur in a manner that is not foreseeable at the time of this release registration. I am solely responsible for any loss, injury, damage I sustain to myself or my property, or damages resulting from my death. This agreement is legally binding, by registering you give up all right to recover compensation through the courts or otherwise. I waive and release North Star Capoeira, all staff, volunteers, owners, and any ancillary facilities owners of any liability relating to this activity hosted by North Star Capoeira.