
Benefits of Training in Capoeira Angola

Fitness: Capoeira is a great way to get in shape. Training Capoeira develops strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, balance, coordination and reflexes. Beginners and those who feel they are not currently in good shape are always welcome to train with North Star Capoeira. We are all learning and getting in better shape each day. 

Music: All students learn to play percussion instruments and sing songs that are traditional to Capoeira. Again, no previous experience is necessary. The rhythms and songs are not complicated. You don't need to have previous musical traning or talent to learn them, just be willing to try. 

Spirit: Capoeira Angola has a rich history and a complex philosophy of life that developed among Africans enslaved in Brazil. Yet, Capoeira has never stopped developing as the times change. None of us ever stop learning the lessons of courage, humility, respect, community, and discipine that Capoeira teaches us.